Porcus Hogrelius

Two Events in One Night
#0035 This ends a long and eventful yet unproductive night, with some lessons learned. At about 2230, the attached photo came in. Greg had already told me that he was available tonight. (The light colored pig with the spot on its neck was the first hog on camera when we began this enterprise. The first… Continue reading Two Events in One Night
Feral Hog Control Continues
#0034 A photo came in showing a pig at one of the cameras at about 2100. Greg, my wingman, and I went straight to the soccer field and geared up. Two pictures had come in, so things looked good for an extermination. The camera is programmed to send a picture every three minutes if an… Continue reading Feral Hog Control Continues
Feral Hog Damage/Why We Needed Suburban Feral Hog Control
#0033 The attached photo shows the destructiveness of these feral hogs. I got this from our town mayor who received the photo from someone with a drone. No explanation is required about the destructiveness of these vermin. On a more positive note, no photos were received last night. Glad that there were no hogs (or… Continue reading Feral Hog Damage/Why We Needed Suburban Feral Hog Control
Unintended Consequences
#0032 Suburban feral hog control continues. Thursday night all was in order when I lay down for bed. As reported previously two live traps were set for raccoons which had been robbing me of corn and sleep. At about 2330 a photo came in showing the north end of a south facing black animal about… Continue reading Unintended Consequences
One Carcass Recovered
#0031 In the previous installment, I reported two hogs shot. Resuming the narrative the following day. My walk through pasture revealed this as seen in the attached photo. This would have been last night’s pig, the smaller one I’m thinking. Porcus HogreliusMake Yourself a Better Hog Hunter