Porcus Hogrelius

Porcus Hogrellius

Location, Location, Location!

#0005 For those who know me, you have heard me emphasize the importance of shot placement on feral hogs. Just like real estate: location, location, location.  Your shot needs to hit the neck, the neck, the neck.  Hunting hogs later in life after hunting deer, this is a significant paradigm shift. Deer hunters aim for… Continue reading Location, Location, Location!

Be Ready at Any Time

#0004 The drought is over. The rains will arrive tonight at the tree farm. And, I took three hogs while I was there over the last two days. I spent yesterday planting my deer food plots. I have five small areas (maybe two acres total) planted with a mix of oats, winter peas, clover, and… Continue reading Be Ready at Any Time

DIY European Mount

#0003 I did a European mount for a hog I shot a while back. It weighed about 240 pounds. The two photos are the before and after shots. I removed the head and skinned it. Then, I placed it on the ground under a wash tub. As time went by the dermestid beetles and their… Continue reading DIY European Mount

Green Lights in the Dark

#0002 After enjoying a quiet day at the tree farm, we prepped for the night. This has been the coolest temps in July in anyone’s memory. The lows in the low 60’s and the highs only in the 80’s. We put out more corn near the three green motion lights. Mike sat in the elevated… Continue reading Green Lights in the Dark

Mike’s First Hunt

#0001 I collected Mike from the airport on time Tuesday afternoon, and we rolled toward my house. We made a stop at the local gun store where Mike drooled over various guns that he would not be allowed to own in his home state of California. Another hour and a half on the road and… Continue reading Mike’s First Hunt