Is My Work Done?
My intent was to be in place at 2100 tonight at the fire station to wait for the last (I hope) hog to come to the camera.
Well, as I was driving that way, the photos started coming in.
I parked in the street, geared up, moved toward the camera.
I peaked out from behind the fire station with the thermal scanner. There it was at the camera. Moving behind the building, I stopped in the shadows. Tripod up, rifle up, wait for a car to drive by, hog turns, bang.
She runs. Scan with the thermal, nothing near. I move to the fence line and look into the pasture. There she is in the weeds, twitching. Twitching stops.
Greg planned to join me later after he got home from work. (He works at the VA hospital in Dallas.)
He joined me later and we gutted the hog for delivery to the processor on Saturday.
I thought I had a good neck shot, but the bullet entered the shoulder and exited through the sternum. Not ideal, but it didn’t run far.
This hog was the same size as the Wednesday night hog.
Hoping that this is the last of our hogs for a while. Cameras will remain up for now should more come back.
The most common animal on camera now is a fox or foxes. We have had a pair of foxes in the neighborhood for many years now. Each spring, four kits can be seen chasing each other in and out of culverts. Each year we get down to two foxes only. (I assume that the adult foxes chase them away. A good lesson for modern America. Get Junior out of the basement.) By the way, we don’t have a rodent problem in our little town.
Porcus Hogrelius
Make Yourself a Better Hog Hunter