Unintended Consequences
Suburban feral hog control continues.
Thursday night all was in order when I lay down for bed. As reported previously two live traps were set for raccoons which had been robbing me of corn and sleep.
At about 2330 a photo came in showing the north end of a south facing black animal about hog size. Out of bed, drive, gear up.
With the flood light extinguished I could cross the soccer field instead of going by street. I could see a couple of hog-sized animals near one of the pig pipes. All good. Proceed with my stalk. Stop, look. Not hogs but dogs. Hmmm. And, I can hear them barking/growling.
I don’t head toward them. I move toward the pasture to scan for hogs away from the dogs. Nothing. As I proceed back toward my truck, the dogs see me. They alert on me. Hmmm. I continue glancing back. They loose interest in me. Keep walking. See attached video.
Back at the truck, unrig, drive toward dogs. They disperse.
Hmm. They had pulled the trapped raccoon out of the trap and finished it off. Glad I kept walking back to the truck.
Photos show that these were pit bulls or pit bull mix. Very glad I kept walking back to truck.
Pitch raccoon over fence into pasture. No more dog or hog photos overnight.
Will discuss latest development with mayor and chief of police for guidance on how to manage any future encounters with these non-collared (I am assuming feral) dogs.
Feral hog control, not for the faint of heart.
Porcus Hogrelius
Make Yourself a Better Hog Hunter