Porcus Hogrelius

Porcus Hogrellius

Suburban Feral Hog Control Update

#0040 Since taking out the huge boar on Thursday night, no pictures of hogs have been received from either camera. Further, rancher Wade sent a text stating that no new damage has been seen on his property. All good news. For now, the cameras will remain in place and monitoring will continue. All in all,… Continue reading Suburban Feral Hog Control Update

Details from 28 OCT 20 Hunt

#0039 As you may recall I had a big hog on the camera Tuesday night. He got in front of the camera but did not eat any of the corn. He’s old, he’s big, he’s smart. I had a trip planned so I would be out of town for a few days. Also, neighboring rancher… Continue reading Details from 28 OCT 20 Hunt

Q: Is My Work Done? A: No

#0038 I posed the question a couple of days ago, “Is my work finished?” This was in regard to the hog intrusion and damage to the city’s soccer field and other property. Yesterday began with a conversation with the city’s neighbor, a rancher named Wade. He had given me permission to shoot into his property… Continue reading Q: Is My Work Done? A: No

Is My Work Done?

#0037 My intent was to be in place at 2100 tonight at the fire station to wait for the last (I hope) hog to come to the camera. Well, as I was driving that way, the photos started coming in. I parked in the street, geared up, moved toward the camera. I peaked out from… Continue reading Is My Work Done?

Tag Team Smack Down

#0036 Greg and I conducted a tag team smack down last night on the hog in the picture. This is the first hog that came on the camera when this program began. As Greg suggested, we planned to camp out at the city’s fire station to wait for the hogs to come to the camera.… Continue reading Tag Team Smack Down