Porcus Hogrelius

Porcus Hogrellius

What a Trophy

#0010 My friend Eric came to visit one February for a pig hunt at Manx Farm in Corsicana. Saturday, after breakfast of eggs and pork sausage, we drove to Manx and arrived in time for more eggs and sausage. Richard had told me that there was no reason to get there before dawn as the… Continue reading What a Trophy

In the Dark of the Night

#0009 I was spending a few days at the tree farm in early January. Monday morning at about 0330, the phone alerted me with a photo of a pig at one of the pig pipes. I got dressed and moved outside. I could see two of my green motion lights were on, one of which… Continue reading In the Dark of the Night

Father and Son Bonding

#0008 My son Ben came to the tree farm Thursday afternoon. His plan was to stay the night and hunt. This has been a cool fall, we have had freezing temps overnight several days this month. It was a beautiful afternoon with the fall colors at their peak (per Texas standards, not New England standards).… Continue reading Father and Son Bonding

Meet Brian of Carpe Sus

#0007 Carpe Sus posted this video. It is similar to my recent post regarding shot placement and the need to monitor the downed hog. He makes the same point: even a well-placed neck shot can miss the spinal column and merely stun these tough animals. Watch the downed hog closely and administer the second shot… Continue reading Meet Brian of Carpe Sus

How to Weigh a Hog Without a Scale

#0006 There is a formula to estimate hog weight using the heart girth. Weight = 10.1709 x hearth girth (inches) – 205.7492 My latest boar had a heart girth of 46 inches. Estimated weight = 10.1709 x 46 – 205.7492 Estimated weight: 262 pounds. Actual weight: 250 pounds. The formula seems to work well. I’ve… Continue reading How to Weigh a Hog Without a Scale