The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth



Here is a photo showing my son Ben instructing his son Jared as he gets ready to take his shot at a nice hog during our hunt at Manx Farm. Guide James is standing by, his hands folded. The hog is visible.

James’ work is done. He put the young hunter onto a hog within range of his ability to shoot.

Ben is giving final instructions. We had Jared shoot the rifle earlier in the day, and he hit the gong four out of five times at 100 yards.

I had loaded the ammo and sighted in the rifle. Dad had instructed the youngster on how to aim and how to squeeze the trigger.

All the adults had done their work.

Then, it was time for Jared to do his work. It’s a great moment when a young hunter finishes the job. Jared took the shot, and the hog collapsed never to move again. A one shot kill.

Obviously, it was a satisfying moment for me when everything came together. Beyond that, the crew at Manx love their work and make it a priority to create and to facilitate these kinds of moments for young hunters (and dads and grandpas).

Jared used my rifle chambered 243 Winchester with a “youth” stock making it shorter from butt to trigger. He managed the rifle very well. The recoil from this rifle is not excessive. This caliber is good for younger hunters while being quite effective.

Porcus Hogrelius
Make Yourself a Better Hog Hunter