Weekend Getaway
Practice is key to success in almost every aspect of our lives. A group of guys gathered for a Manx Farm hunt one February day. Fortunately, we met up on Friday, a day ahead of our hunt. First stop: the shooting range. Most of the guys had flown in, so I made my rifles available.
Our practice (or familiarization fire) was from atop a tripod at steel targets a hundred yards away. This is a good simulation of our hunt conditions.
The various hunters selected their rifle for the hunt and shot till they were satisfied with the performance of gun and ammo.
Saturday morning we departed at 0630 for Manx Farm in Navarro County. Upon arrival, breakfast was ready: scrambled eggs with sausage and fresh-made waffles. Black coffee, of course.
John and Les were guided by Guide James. Rob and Galen were guided by Guide Les. I rode with Rob and Galen to act as gun bearer and photographer. We rode in the side-by-side from the house into the pasture. After a safety brief by Les, we began our stalk. In less that five minutes, we all saw a mature black boar grazing on the opposite side of a draw. Les expertly positioned the shooting sticks and got Rob ready for the shot. Rob took careful aim with the 308 and soon sent the 150 grain Barnes Tipped Triple Shock bullet through the shoulder. The hog immediately collapsed.
It was a great shot.
After the requisite photos and backslapping, the stalk was begun for Galen’s hog. The morning was crisp with temps in the low 40’s. Perfect hog hunting weather.
As we moved along, we saw and heard the zebras braying in the adjoining field. One pig flushed and ran off through the trees. Soon, Les saw a few hogs under some trees about 30 yards away. He put Galen in a good position, and Galen took the shot with his 30-06. His hog ran with a half dozen other pigs. Les observed that Galen’s hog did not run with the rest of the sounder, but veered to the left. This indicated that the pig was wounded. The search began, but we couldn’t find it. The ground was flat and fairly open. There were numerous mesquite trees (barren this time of year). The ground was covered with short green grass, but our ability to search was hindered by last year’s weeds that were nearly 3 feet tall. The old weeds were taller than a downed hog and made it difficult to see it.
After a while, Les decided to continue the hunt with the intent of returning later to look some more. After another ten minutes or so, we saw a large sounder of hogs (more than a dozen). They began moving to our right, Galen took another shot. Les carefully watched the hogs movement and was able to walk straight to it. I was nearby and administered the coup de gras with my pistol. After marking that pig’s location, we discovered Galen’s first hog. Dead.
Even as we were hunting, photos came in showing Les’ and John’s successes shooting a pair of trophy hogs.
We loaded all three hogs and returned to the gut shed.
After a great lunch of sandwiches and chips, Rob went out and shot his second hog. Guide James invited me to shoot a hog as well (he thought the hogs I shot last weekend were too small). We drove into the pasture. We were about three minutes into our stalk when we saw a hog bedded under a tree. It’s ear was clearly visible, so I was able to estimate the location of the neck for a good shot that brought the curtain down on the boar.
Guide James took us outside the high fence onto another part of the ranch. He gave us a great tour of a pipeline right-of-way that offered a view of the terrain. After a muddy drive down to the creek, we were headed back when we saw a hog a short distance into the trees. Hunter Les used the 338 Win Mag and made a head shot. DRT (dead right there).
We had time on our hands, so there was some basketball watching and napping in one of the cabins. Les and I went with Guide James (a second James) for some predator calling. In that coyotes and bobcats take many animals (small deer, for example), there is an ongoing effort to eliminate them. We called a few different places for a couple of hours, but did not see anything.
It was a gorgeous afternoon to be out. Bright sunshine and cool air temps.
As were were driving back just before dark, we were treated to several elk silhouetted against the sky. Beautiful.
Owner Richard had catered supper for his hunters. (We were not the only ones on the ranch.) Fajitas will all the trimmings including guacamole (really good guacamole). Still- warm cobbler for dessert.
La vida grande!
(Richard was very complimentary of the hunters that I have brought to Manx Farm. For the most part these men are retired from various branches of our military. Yes, they are good men whom I am honored to call friends. This was very gratifying to me, and I was very glad to pass on the compliment to each of those hunting.)
Sunday morning, I delivered the hunters to the their respective airports and sent them on their way.
Great weekend.
Porcus Hogrelius
Make Yourself a Better Hog Hunter