Porcus Hogrelius

Porcus Hogrellius

Action Resumes

#0030 Inspection Sunday afternoon showed that the hogs had wiggled through a gap in the Maginot Line Saturday night between the two cameras locations. Others confirmed additional damage to the city property. The “East” camera was moved to the new crossing along with the bait. At 2230, the alarm sounded showing pigs at the camera… Continue reading Action Resumes

No Hogs Approached the Maginot Line Last Night

#0029 The Maginot Line along the north border of the city did its job again last night. Following the deterrent work on Tuesday night, the enemy to the north did not make any attempts to enter our city. Porcus HogreliusMake Yourself a Better Hog Hunter

Suburban Pig Control Continued Success

#0028 Overnight no calls. This morning confirmed that bait had not been touched, cameras functional, no new damage to city property. Monitoring continues. My goal is to keep the feral hogs off city property. Continued success. Porcus HogreliusMake Yourself a Better Hog Hunter

Early Success in Suburban Feral Hog Control

#0027 Continuing this account of suburban feral hog control. The story resumes after cameras and bait in place. As additional background, the feral hogs began their destruction of the city soccer field after considerable late summer rain softened the soil. During a normal Texas summer, our clay soil become as hard as a rock. The… Continue reading Early Success in Suburban Feral Hog Control

Preparations in Progress for Suburban Pig Control

#0026 The feral hogs continue to assault the city property. They have been making a mess of the soccer field and the area around the fire station. The rancher has cattle in the area adjoining the city limits. I have placed two pig pipes just inside this pasture. I baited the two areas yesterday, Saturday,… Continue reading Preparations in Progress for Suburban Pig Control