Porcus Hogrelius

Porcus Hogrellius

Suburban Hog Control Soon

#0025 As noted in a previous meditation, I will be engaged in hog control in my little town since feral hogs have been damaging the public areas including our soccer field. The attached cartoon demonstrates how my hog control process will work. I will stage some corn in a ‘pig pipe” to attract the swine.… Continue reading Suburban Hog Control Soon

Suburban Feral Hog Control

#0024 A week or two ago, the residents of our small town began observing hog damage to the area at the edge of town where the town begins along an adjoining cattle pasture. They have really made a mess of things rooting up a large area around the fire station and the soccer field. I… Continue reading Suburban Feral Hog Control

Early May at the Tree Farm

#0023 I drove to the tree farm one afternoon. There was work to be done, always is. This was in May. In the fall I have been planting a winter mix of seeds in my food plots: wheat, oats, clover, etc. When I got to the tree farm I could see that the hogs had… Continue reading Early May at the Tree Farm

How efficient are buzzards?

#0022 As of first thing this morning, there were two pig carcasses side by side after my late-night hunting and butchering. These pigs had been skinned and quartered but not gutted per the process outlined in a previous Meditation. Late this afternoon I walked by them – nothing but bones and hide.It only took one… Continue reading How efficient are buzzards?

Night vision versus thermal

#0021 Please see the attached videos. One is from my thermal scanner. The setting was “red hot” which gives it the red and yellow coloring with an excellent contrast against the background. The night vision video with the spotted hog corresponds with the thermal images. The third video is a hog at 20 yards in… Continue reading Night vision versus thermal